Friday 27 September 2013

Trace Your Facebook Profile Visitors

How To Trace Your Facebook Profile Visitors

Now here we found who recently visited your profile.
Follow below steps for get to know your FB recent
Step 1) Go to your Facebook Profile Page.
Step 2) Now Press Ctrl + U from your keyboard for see
source code of your profile page.
Step 3) Now press Ctrl + F from your keyboard to open
search box.
Step 4) Now search this code {"list":
Step 5) There are some Facebook Profile Ids of your friends
who visited recently.
Step 6) The first one ID's are showing visits the most
number of time.
Step 7) Now if your want to findout, Open a new tab Enter
below link : ProfileId
For Example : https://facebook. com/100002980471641
Enjoy The Trick..

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